26 April 2009

Glory Giver

I'm so sorry for my neglect of this blog! My only excuses would be 1. School has been very busy and 2. life outside of school has been quite busy too. I don't really have time for a full blog post tonight, but I wanted to share the lyrics of one of my favorite songs with you all and reassure you that I will be attempting to blog a bit more frequently with at least one blog post a week. :)

This song always reminds me of who I am in Christ and of the fact that He, and He alone, deserves all the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Glory Giver
by The Annie Moses Band

I am a bride waiting for her first kiss
I am a child dancing in the river
I am a worshipper basking in the bliss
Of the glory of the glory Giver

I am a saint dressed in robes of pure white
I am a jewel set in finest silver
I am a follower walking in the light
Of the glory of the glory Giver

I am a pearl purchased at a great price
I am an heir chosen and delivered
I am a miracle bursting with the life
Of the glory of the glory Giver

05 April 2009

Thoughts on Darwin

"I had been lying on a sunny bank & was reflecting on the strange character of the Animals of this country as compared to the rest of the World. An unbeliever in everything beyond his own reason, might exclaim "Surely two distinct Creators must have been [at] work; their object however has been the same & certainly the end in each case is complete".— Whilst thus thinking, I observed the conical pitfall of a Lion-Ant:— A fly fell in & immediately disappeared; then came a large but unwary Ant; his struggles to escape being very violent, the little jets of sand described by Kirby (Vol. 1. P. 425) were promptly directed against him.— His fate however was better than that of the poor fly's:— Without a doubt this predacious Larva belongs to the same genus, but to a different species from the European one.— Now what would the Disbeliever say to this? Would any two workmen ever hit on so beautiful, so simple & yet so artificial a contrivance? It cannot be thought so.— The one hand has surely worked throughout the universe."

“…sublimity of the primeval forest, undefaced by the hand of man … Sublime devotion the prevalent feeling. 16th: Started early in the morning … pleasant ride and much enjoyed the glorious woods. Bamboos 12 inches in circumference. Several sorts of tree ferns. 17th: …Twiners entwining twiners — tresses like hair — beautiful lepidoptera — Silence — hosannah — …”

These words were written by a young theologian and naturalist upon his first trip to South America. I find them both beautiful and inspiring, very similar to words I would pen under similar circumstances. They cause me to wonder what happened to this young man who was so evidently inspired by creation to see and worship it’s Creator and designer. You see, this young man was Charles Darwin. As I was listening to a podcast the other day (Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett. It’s not a Christian podcast, but it is one I enjoy and find thought provoking), I realized that I would like to know more about Charles Darwin the man. What was it that transformed him from a young man heading toward a clergy position in the Anglican church to an agnostic naturalist? What can we learn from his life? These are questions and ideas I hope to explore further at a later time.

03 April 2009

The Silly Things They Say

Hey all!
I know I have been quite tardy about updating my blog this week. I will try to do better, but no promises since next week I have three tests, two papers, and a speech due for my four classes. :)
I do, however, have several idea roiling around in my mind which will hopefully find their way into blog posts sometime soon. For now, I'll leave you with a "theological" discussion which I had with my four year old brother, Naithen, the day before yesterday. To set the scene, allow me to explain that he was on his bed for being unkind to his younger sister, and I were trying to explain to him why how he had treated her was wrong.

Naithen: "But I am sad because we are all going to die." (He wouldn't be changing the subject now, would he?)

Me: "But, Naithen, you don't need to worry about dying because if you love Jesus you will just go to be with Him when you die." (Alright, this may not be the most theologically deep or accurate conversation necessarily, but keep in mind that it was being held with a four year old)

Naithen: "Yes, but my body will still be dead."

Me: "Well, that's true, but eventually Jesus will raise it up and give you a new and better body."

Naithen (getting rather excited at this idea): "Yes! And maybe He will even make me a dragon or a bucking bronco!"

At this point I had to leave the room top restrain my laughter before returning to dealing with the issue at hand (the mistreatment of his little sister).